Terminating an employee is a difficult and uncomfortable process, typically resulting from misconduct, insubordination, or underperformance. However, being aware of potential high-risk terminations is crucial in determining the best course of action, and Central Guards Security can assist you in making the process smoother and more secure. Here are some things to watch out for as you prepare for an employee termination:

  • Employees who display a victim mentality or make frequent complaints

  • Those who make verbal or nonverbal threats against other employees or the organization

  • Those with a history of violence, may pose a higher risk.

  • Additionally, sudden changes in behavior such as explosive responses to feedback, aggression towards others, excessive tardiness, and unexplained absences should also be noted as indicators of potential risk.


What is the location of the termination?

It is important to determine if the termination will take place in a private office or a job site, as this will impact the necessary security measures. Security guards can be physically present in the room or within earshot to detect potential threats before they escalate. Central Guards Security has the experience to help you determine the best approach to ensure a secure termination process.

Will the employee be required to leave immediately following the termination?

If this is the case, the employee may need an escort to retrieve their personal belongings, prevent theft or damage to company property, and safely leave the premises while returning any parking access keys or cards.

Has the employee made any threats, either directly or indirectly, towards other employees or the business?

Awareness of an employee’s behavior before a termination can help determine the appropriate security measures needed. In cases where there have been threats made towards other employees, Central Guards Security Services LLC provides ongoing security detail after the termination to ensure the safety of those who are at risk.

Has the employee been informed of the termination in advance?

Anticipating and managing employee terminations is critical to maintaining a safe and secure workplace. Even expected terminations can result in dangerous behavior, making the presence of professional security officers essential to prevent disruptions, protect employees, and safeguard your business. Don't take unnecessary risks, contact Central Guards Security Services LLC to develop a comprehensive plan for employee termination security.

High-Risk Employment Termination Security Guards


Event Security


Alarm Response